686 research outputs found

    On Some Properties of Quadratic APN Functions of a Special Form

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    In a recent paper, it is shown that functions of the form L1(x3)+L2(x9)L_1(x^3)+L_2(x^9), where L1L_1 and L2L_2 are linear, are a good source for construction of new infinite families of APN functions. In the present work we study necessary and sufficient conditions for such functions to be APN

    Analysis, classification and construction of optimal cryptographic Boolean functions

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    Modern cryptography is deeply founded on mathematical theory and vectorial Boolean functions play an important role in it. In this context, some cryptographic properties of Boolean functions are defined. In simple terms, these properties evaluate the quality of the cryptographic algorithm in which the functions are implemented. One cryptographic property is the differential uniformity, introduced by Nyberg in 1993. This property is related to the differential attack, introduced by Biham and Shamir in 1990. The corresponding optimal functions are called Almost Perfect Nonlinear functions, shortly APN. APN functions have been constructed, studied and classified up to equivalence relations. Very important is their classification in infinite families, i.e. constructing APN functions that are defined for infinitely many dimensions. In spite of an intensive study of these maps, many fundamental problems related to APN functions are still open and relatively few infinite families are known so far. In this thesis we present some constructions of APN functions and study some of their properties. Specifically, we consider a known construction, L1(x^3)+L2(x^9) with L1 and L2 linear maps, and we introduce two new constructions, the isotopic shift and the generalised isotopic shift. In particular, using the two isotopic shift constructing techniques, in dimensions 8 and 9 we obtain new APN functions and we cover many unclassified cases of APN maps. Here new stands for inequivalent (in respect to the so-called CCZ-equivalence) to already known ones. Afterwards, we study two infinite families of APN functions and their generalisations. We show that all these families are equivalent to each other and they are included in another known family. For many years it was not known whether all the constructed infinite families of APN maps were pairwise inequivalent. With our work, we reduce the list to those inequivalent to each other. Furthermore, we consider optimal functions with respect to the differential uniformity in fields of odd characteristic. These functions, called planar, have been valuable for the construction of new commutative semifields. Planar functions present often a close connection with APN maps. Indeed, the idea behind the isotopic shift construction comes from the study of isotopic equivalence, which is defined for quadratic planar functions. We completely characterise the mentioned equivalence by means of the isotopic shift and the extended affine equivalence. We show that the isotopic shift construction leads also to inequivalent planar functions and we analyse some particular cases of this construction. Finally, we study another cryptographic property, the boomerang uniformity, introduced by Cid et al. in 2018. This property is related to the boomerang attack, presented by Wagner in 1999. Here, we study the boomerang uniformity for some known classes of permutation polynomials.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Going stolon

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    On the Boomerang Uniformity of some Permutation Polynomials

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    The boomerang attack, introduced by Wagner in 1999, is a cryptanalysis technique against block ciphers based on differential cryptanalysis. In particular it takes into consideration two differentials, one for the upper part of the cipher and one for the lower part, and it exploits the dependency of these two differentials. At Eurocrypt’18, Cid et al. introduced a new tool, called the Boomerang Connectivity Table (BCT), that permits to simplify this analysis. Next, Boura and Canteaut introduced an important parameter for cryptographic S-boxes called boomerang uniformity, that is the maximum value in the BCT. Very recently, the boomerang uniformity of some classes of permutations (in particular quadratic functions) have been studied by Li, Qu, Sun and Li, and by Mesnager, Tang and Xiong. In this paper we further study the boomerang uniformity of some non-quadratic differentially 4-uniform functions. In particular, we consider the case of the Bracken-Leander cubic function and three classes of 4-uniform functions constructed by Li, Wang and Yu, obtained from modifying the inverse functions.publishedVersio

    On relations between CCZ- and EA-equivalences

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    In the present paper we introduce some sufficient conditions and a procedure for checking whether, for a given function, CCZ-equivalence is more general than EA-equivalence together with taking inverses of permutations. It is known from Budaghyan et al. (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 52.3, 1141–1152 2006; Finite Fields Appl. 15(2), 150–159 2009) that for quadratic APN functions (both monomial and polynomial cases) CCZ-equivalence is more general. We prove hereby that for non-quadratic APN functions CCZ-equivalence can be more general (by studying the only known APN function which is CCZ-inequivalent to both power functions and quadratics). On the contrary, we prove that for power non-Gold APN functions, CCZ equivalence coincides with EA-equivalence and inverse transformation for n ≤ 8. We conjecture that this is true for any n.acceptedVersio

    La minaccia color lavanda. Il lesbismo nella teoria femminista e queer

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    Il presente lavoro traccia una storia delle riflessioni sorte intorno alle questioni lesbiche nella teoria femminista e queer degli ultimi cinquant’anni. Seguendo la nascita e lo sviluppo di questi campi di studio, il presente studio ricostruisce e analizza il pensiero sul lesbismo, intrecciando all’analisi teorica un interesse per la storia della teoria in Italia, per le elaborazioni dell’attivismo e per i conflitti sorti intorno alla nominazione e all’interpretazione della pratica sessuale lesbica. Nel corso del lavoro, la categoria di lesbismo viene indagata come sito di riflessioni composite, che hanno dato vita a dibattiti anche aspri e a schemi interpretativi differenti per leggere la realtà del sesso, del genere e della sessualità. Tali schemi hanno talvolta intrecciato maggiormente la lotta delle donne, talvolta quella dei/delle “devianti” di genere e sessuali, producendo così differenti griglie di analisi della realtà. Il lavoro mira a mappare questa complessità in seno al pensiero femminista e queer, a far conoscere autrici e lavori sulle subculture lesbiche finora poco noti in Italia, senza tuttavia uniformare o livellare le posizioni in campo: il lavoro si propone infatti di fornire una storia ragionata delle riflessioni sorte intorno al lesbismo, che aiuti cioè a comprendere le ragioni profonde in gioco nei cambiamenti di paradigma nell’analisi del sesso, del genere e della sessualità degli ultimi cinquant’anni

    Implementación de una aplicación para la gestión de la información topológica basada en un controlador SDN

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    El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, es reimplementar una aplicación que procese la información provista por el protocolo eHDDP, para que un sistema basado en Open Network Operating System (ONOS), pueda obtener la información topológica de una red híbrida SDN, compuesta por dispositivos compatibles con eHDDP para el plano de control SDN. Esta aplicación adoptará el formato para su desarrollo y compilación mediante Bazel. Por último, se explicarán las conclusiones que se han obtenido al desarrollar y evaluar la aplicación dentro del entorno propuesto y los posibles trabajos futuros que se pueden desarrollar a partir de este proyecto.The objective of this Final Degree Project is to reimplement an application that processes the information provided by the eHDDP protocol, so that a system based on Open Network Operating System (ONOS), can obtain the topological information of a hybrid SDN network composed with devices that are compliant with the protocol eHDDP for the SDN control plane. This application will adopt the format for its development and compilation using Bazel. Finally, the conclusions obtained from developing and evaluating the application, within the proposed environment and possible future work that can be developed from this project, will be explained.Grado en Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicació

    Desarrollo de un nuevo alimento con base de hortalizas, adaptado a la población anciana.

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    Desarrollo de un nuevo producto a base de hortalizas para la tercera edad. Para la realización de este se tienen en cuenta las características de la población diana (psicológicas, sociales, biológicas y nutricionales). Para la realización del producto se han hecho pruebas organolépticas, físicas, químicas y microbiológicas. Por último se han presentado los formatos del producto final, que consiste en un texturizado de verduras con diferentes sabores y dos tamaños, 250g y 120g, que se pueden consumir directamente o con un calentamiento previo.Ingeniería Agrícola y ForestalMáster en Calidad, Desarrollo e Innovación de Alimentos2019-09-302019-09-3

    Filogeografía, evolución de nicho y especiación en un linaje mediterráneo-macaronésico: Lavatera maritima-Lavatera acerifolia (Malvaceae)

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 08-09-2017Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 08-09-201